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My journey to $100 Per day Running a Celebrity Gossip Site

Hi All, I'm setting the stage here. I have basically been running a celebrity gossip site for a few years. My best months of total earning (not profit) has been back in November / December 2016. I was crushing it.

That December, which you can see in the charts, my Facebook ad account got banned. It was a few days after Christmas. I was doing traffic arb, and with no facebook, no traffic. It took me most of 2017 to get back up to speed, and right when I do, Facebook changes it's algorithm. The algo change hit profits but didn't knock me out of commission initially. I survived until June 2018.

Now I'm trying to build this thing back up, without relying on just traffic arbitrage.

Also as some background, I am married, I have two kids (5 year old and a 20 month old) and I have a super aggressive day job that has me working about 60 hours per week including 8 hours every Sunday with a lot of travel.

A Facebook page that has 208K.
I built this from scratch with fight videos and viral clips before getting the page penalized. It got unpublished but I fought to get it back.

A 2nd Facebook page that has 180K
I got this for $500. It was an American Idol page which I renamed and have been trying to bring it back to life. Posting external links gets about 3 clicks! So far it's been a big waste of $500.

Instagram account:
I have 2500 followers. Everything organic and white hat; however no way to drive traffic to he main, money site yet.

Pinterest Page
I have about 138 boards. I did 87K pin views, that resulted in next to no clicks to the main site.

I have hosting, a website with 7000 posts (that sounds like a lot..i need to check that) and a writer and a shared IT team. My writer puts up three articles every week day.


1. I'm starting this because June was a kick in the nuts so I need to do something a little different. This is like the 4th time I'm picking myself back up. It sucks. So this journey will hold me accountable.

2. Hopefully, the journey can generate some good discussion. You all know a bunch of stuff and I know a little and maybe between the discussion something good bubbles out. I'm looking forward to a bunch of really good dialogue and spit balling of ideas.

3. Inspiration. I want to show those starting out that this isn't easy. The Grind factor plays a big part in internet marketing. Before this I tried everything. Running this site was the first thing I did that generated consistent revenue.

I'm not sure of my posting frequency but I have never done a journey because I didn't feel I could post enough to keep it up. Obviously I feel like I can now, so I will try. My next post will be my daily strategy to try and get traffic, along with some earning numbers. Like....if I do nothing and let my writer write, how much money do I make? I'll give you a hint: $1.87

Also I will discuss what my revenue streams are and, what's the big game plan etc.