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$60 Per Day Google Adsense Method - Dead Simple

I want to share a dead simple Google Adsense Method that’ll make you $50-$60 Per Day. It’s super simple and you don’t need to write a ton a content to make this work.

The method:


Go sign up on https://employers.indeed.com/ (not my site/not affiliate link). It’s free to sign up. Remember to confirm your email.


Go to Linkedin.com and search for Job groups that have the highest number of members. I won’t disclose the exact job categories I use, but Aviation jobs and nursing job groups for example have thousands of members. This tells me that these kind of jobs have maximum demand and get searched more over maybe MBA Jobs or some other job category.

The idea is to find out highest searched job titles. You can use Google Adwords though for research.

Step 3.

Set up a domain name with wordpress for a specific job niche – eg. 123Aviationjobs.com or 123nursingjobs.com etc.

Step 4.

Put a high CTR wordpress Adsense theme that allows ad rotation and ad size change. I use the Ultraclick Theme from http://adsenselabs.com/ (not my site/not affiliate link).

Step 5.

Once you have the theme installed on your site, simply replace the 336x280 adsense code box with the 300x600 ad code from your adsense dashboard. 

This code swapping will rotate your ads on your site and also create a column of advertisement beside the content area. If you use TEXT ADS only from Adsense and swap the ad codes, you’ll have huge ad exposure without breaking Adsense TOS. This will boost your CTR to upto 30%.

Step 6.

Create content on your site in small snippets of text. These could be real job postings or you can make up something - use your creativity. Think what kind of job posts job hunters would like to read. Think exceptionally high salary and perks etc.

Put up 20-25 job posts on your site with the adsense ad codes swapped. This will create two columns on your site. One will be Adsense ads and the other will be small snippets of text in the form of job posts.

Step 7.

Go to your Indeed account and post free jobs related to your niche everyday. Indeed allows external site link in their posts. Create a legit looking job description and then put your site link in the description saying “To Apply Visit yourwebsite.com”. You can find real job descriptions from Monster or other job sites.

Post 2-3 jobs every day and you’ll see highly targeted traffic coming to your site. This traffic will check out your Adsense ads like crazy because its super targeted and the Ad code swapping will create a complete Ad column on your site.


1. Since these are free job posts they will get pushed back in the search results. SO, you have to keep posting jobs every day – as many times you want. You can repeat same job posts every couple of days.

2. The theme I use (Ultraclick) allows you to change ad color and content color and blend them together. Don’t do that. In my case Blue ads and Gray content works best.

3. You can use any other good high CTR Adsense theme that allows ad size change and ad rotation.

This method works even better than posting in Linkedin groups. But, don’t get too greedy and don’t spam. Indeed runs occasional checks and you’ll be thrown out if you spam.

You can get a bit more creative and add CJ affiliate links in your job posts on your site. That’ll bring in an additional $15-$20 everyday. I however stopped doing that because it tends to affect the CTR.

P.S: Please don't ask me to share my Adsense reports or my exact job categories